Brand Identity for Alpha Women Club | Cyprus

Visuable was fabulous to work with and I just love everything about my new brand design – Thank you so much Lidia & the team!
— Linda Pallien, Founder of Alpha Women Club

brand Design

Brand Identity Design | Women's Leadership Club | Cyprus

Who is alpha women club

Alpha Women Club is an exclusive community of empowered and likeminded women. A safe space for women to grow personally, professionally and learn from each other. They pride ourselves on Success, Style & Integrity!

What we did

Alpha Women Founder, Linda needed brand mentorship to help position the new club within the global marketplace. After working with Lidia 1:1, a service range was developed, and a new aspirational positioning was established. Next step was to create a uniquely stylish brand identity, in order to differentiate the Alpha Women Club from all the other female networking organisations in the market. Visuable team created a custom logo style, and a set of brand pattens that can be used across all brand assets to convey style and sophistication.


brand vibe

Brand Design | Women's Club | Cyprus

logo designs

Logo Design | Women's Leadership Club | Cyprus
Brand Design | Women's Leadership Club | Cyprus
Symbol Logo Design | Women's Leadership Club | Cyprus

what Alpha Women Club said about us

Working with Lidia and the team was a great experience. Lidia really helped me establish the offering and positioning for the club, and came up with the most fabulous brand identity and logo concept – I never even imagined we would look that stylish!
— Linda Pallien, Founder of Alpha women Club

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