Brand Identity and Website Design for Thrivality | Washington, USA


“Visuable was fantastic to work with and one of the best interactions I have had with any brand/company!”

— Eric Shadd, Founder of Thrivality 


Brand Design 

squarespace Website Design 

Website Design |  Health Coaches | Washington, USA

The Problem

Eric is a certified health coach and extremely passionate about helping others be the best version of themselves.

Eric came to us initially to just update his blog page. After an initial consultation, we recommended that Eric went through our whole branding process, including a new website and brand identity, to showcase his expertise in the field and ultimately attract more clients.

Our Solution

Through our All-In Branded Squarespace Website package, we worked with Eric to create a down-to-earth and clean brand identity that showcased his personality. We achieved this through a color palette that features browns and greens to match his simple logo. After ensuring that all branding elements were in line with the brand vision, we used those elements to create a well-designed website that would attract his target audience. We also included a podcast tab so Eric could upload all of his podcasts into one place for his listeners.

Brand Identity |  Health Coaches | Washington, USA
Logo Design |  Health Coaches | Washington, USA
Branding Pack of Business cards, A4 papers, pen, notebook and mobile templates for Thrivality - a certified nutritional and health professional - design made by Visuable.

the outcome

A great exchange of ideas that lead to a fantastic outcome. My website turned out fantastic and I am thrilled
— Eric Shadd, Founder of Thrivality

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