Website Design for Euan Ashley | California, USA


“Fantastic Design work thank you so much!“

— Euan Ashley, Author of “The Genome Odyssey”


squarespace Website Design 

Website Design | Authors | California, USA

The Problem

Dr. Euan Ashley is a medical professor at Stanford University and the author of “The Genome Odyssey.” Euan came to us looking for a website that would market his new book whilst also positioning himself as an expert in his field. The book launch was only two weeks away, so Euan knew he needed to find a designer that would effectively grasp his vision and bring it to life within a very fast turnaround. Our role in this project was to complete the website within 2 weeks and create a website that would showcase Euans values of honesty, integrity, and compassion.

Our Solution

We’ve created an informative, sleek, and easy to navigate website that includes multiple call-to-actions to purchase Euan’s book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and B Bookshop. We used existing imagery from Euan, graphics from the book, and stock imagery to successfully communicate Euans passion for science and tie the whole website together. 

Stock Photography for Euan Ashley’s Squarespace website - design made by Visuable.
Stock Photography for Euan Ashley’s Squarespace website - design made by Visuable.
Stock Photography for Euan Ashley’s Squarespace website - design made by Visuable.

the outcome

The website looks great!
— Euan Ashley, Author of “The Genome Odyssey"

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