Brand Identity and Squarespace Website Design for Julia Lawrence Psychotherapy | New York, USA


Squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Visuable Design | Psychotherapy | Squarespace Website | NYC, USA

About Julia Lawrence Psychotherapy

Julia Lawrence Psychotherapy is a compassionate counselling practice offering support and guidance for personal growth and emotional well-being.

With a focus on solution-focused and cognitive-behavioral therapy, Julia creates a safe space for clients to explore their thoughts and feelings. She tailors her approach to address anxiety, depression, relationships, and life transitions, empowering clients to develop resilience and make positive changes.


brand vibe

Visuable Moodboard Design | Psychotherapist  | NYC, USA

logo designs

Brand identity Design by Visuable | Psychotherapist  | NYC, USA
Logo Design by Visuable | Psychotherapist  | NYC, USA
Symbol Logo Design by Visuable | Psychotherapy | NYC, USA

Brand identity assets


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