Brand Identity and Website Design for Mustard Seeds | Nigeria, Africa

squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Brand mentorship

Website Design | Financial Consultants | Nigeria, Africa

Who is Mustard Seeds

Mustard Seeds is a storytelling platform and community that focuses on empowering women and helping them make the best decisions through life’s critical changes and inflexion points—work/career, family, relationships, and loss.

They want to tell honest, unfiltered stories that help women feel heard and supported as they navigate their individual journeys to personal fulfilment and success. They believe there’s space to empower and inspire with stories of journeys that aren’t always “up and to the right”.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Financial Consultants | Nigeria, Africa

logo designs

Logo Design | Financial Wellness | Nigeria, Africa
Logo Design | Financial Podcast | Nigeria, Africa
Logo Design | Financial Podcast | Nigeria, Africa

Brand identity assets


brand photography


Where can we find you online?


are you looking to create a brilliant brand and website?


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