Brand Identity and Website Design for GoldenLSAT | California, USA

Squarespace Website design

Brand Design

bespoke icons

book cover designs

e-book indesign template

Website Design | Tutors | California, USA

Who is GoldenLSAT

Mitchell is a full-time, perfect-180-scoring LSAT tutor who’s been doing this for several years now.

His students have gained up to 35 points on the LSAT, and up to 70 percentile points above their diagnostic. They’ve earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in law school scholarships, and admission into their dream schools. He takes pride in pushing his clients past seemingly impossible hurdles, revealing confidence that they never thought they had, and turning “reach” scores into real ones.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Tutors | California, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Tutors | California, USA
Logo Design | Tutors | California, USA
Logo Design | Tutors | California, USA

Brand identity assets


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