Brand Identity and Website Design for Allison Cave | New York, USA

I’m so happy I chose to work with Lidia through her mentorship and with Visuable team or my website design and branding. They have helped me make a big leap with my copywriting business that I could not have done alone. They are creative and intuitive branding experts and the collaborative process was highly professional.
— Allison Cave, Founder of Allison Cave

Brand Mentorship


squarespace Website Design

Website Design | Copywriter | New York, USA

The Problem

Allison Cave is a specialist copywriter for authentic luxury brands. When Allison, Founder of Allison Cave, came to us, she wanted to show the world she's a serious, skilful, and talented professional that understands the cultural nuances from the birthplace of luxury. She knew she needed to find a Branding Expert to boost her confidence and her brand image online by showcasing her as a leading copywriter for luxury brands who delivers top quality of work. Our mission was to help Allison develop her personal brand that featured Allison's extensive experience with some of the world's most prestigious luxury brands. The overall brand vibe Allison was looking for included beauty, contemporary, and confidence.

our solution

We've created a sleek and contemporary brand with an elegant finish to showcase Allison's penchant for art and language as a luxury copywriter. We used grays and earthy tones to highlight Allison's artistic personality. We added an “on demand” portfolio for Allison to feature her work and share with her audience on request as well as presented her offer in the most desirable way possible.

Brand Identity | Copywriter | New York, USA
Logo Design | Copywriter | New York, USA
logo designed by Visuable

the outcome

Highly recommended to anyone looking to make their mark online!
— Allison Cave, Founder of Allison Cave

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