Brand Identity and Website Design for Regional Futures | London, UK

squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Website Design | Scientific Researcher | London, UK

Who is Regional Futures

Regional Futures is a five-year (2022–2026) European Research Council (ERC) funded by an advanced grant awarded to Professor Ayona Datta.

Ayona Datta will lead a team of 12 researchers. This includes 3 international collaborators, 5 postdoctoral researchers, 3 PhD students, and a part-time project administrator. The project also includes an advisory panel that have expertise in the relevant themes and contexts of the research.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Scientific Researcher | London, UK

logo designs

Logo Design | Scientific Researcher | London, UK
Logo Design | Scientific Researcher | London, UK
Logo Design | Scientific Researcher | London, UK

Brand identity assets


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