Brand Identity and Website Design for Dr. Becca Meyer | Chicago, USA


squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Website Design | Psychologist | Chicago, USA

Who is dr becca meyer

Dr. Meyer is a licensed clinical psychologist who has collaborated with clients for over fifteen years.

Dr. Meyer's areas of expertise include: Mindfulness, Stress Reduction, Romantic Relationships, Life Transitions, Career Concerns, Grief And Loss, Illness, Fertility Issues, Pregnancy And Postpartum Life, Parenting, Anxiety, Family Dynamics, Professional Development, Balancing Work And Life.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Psychologist | Chicago, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Psychologist | Chicago, USA
Symbol Design | Psychologist | Chicago, USA
Emblem Logo Design | Psychologist | Chicago, USA

Brand identity assets


Brand Photography


Where can we find you online?


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