Brand Identity and Website Design for Touchless | Bristol, UK

Amazing - we never thought we could look that cool!
— Orestis Georgiou, the Visionary behind Touchless

squarespace Website design

Brand Design


Brand Identity & Website Design for Touchless | Bristol, UK

Who is Touchless

Touchless is a 4-year R&D project funded by the EU H2020 program. It is motivated by the rise of social media and the absence of touch. The team of experts from 3 universities and 3 industry partners are working on developing the next generation of TOUCHLESS haptic technologies. The ambition is to enable novel social experiences through touch, with the aim is to develop novel haptic technologies leveraging neurocognitive models and artificial intelligence as well as finding a way to do that using TOUCHLESS haptic technology.


brand vibe

Brand Identity Design | Tech & AI | Bristol, UK

logo designs

Logo Design | Tech & AI | Bristol, UK
Logo Design | Tech & AI | Bristol, UK
Symbol Design | Tech & AI | Bristol, UK

Brand identity assets


Brand Photography


the outcome

We needed a beautiful website up and running that met some specifications within maximum of one month. That was a very tight deadline.

The team quickly turned over everything with a very efficient process where I could provide the requirements needed, some inspiration, direction, and copy, and voila, the website was ready for review. I really enjoyed the review process where I could approve and advise on the progress of the project.
— Orestis Georgiou, the Visionary behind Touchless

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