Brand Identity and Website Design for Casa Har | New York, USA


Squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Acuity Expert

dual language

Website Design | Wellness | New York, USA

Who is casa Har

Casa Har was founded by Ana Reis to be a down-to-earth space where you can explore powerful tools and milenar teachings that will help people to develop a new mindset, vibrate in a higher frequency and open the pathways for your most abundant self; together with a supportive community.

All content and practices shared there are rooted in science and delivered with the utmost respect and care for people’s wellbeing.

The Casa Har’s mission is to translate the energetic teachings, time-tested prosperity and manifestation tools, and Kundalini Yoga into a method that people can easily adopt into their daily routine… and relax as their dreams become reality.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Wellness | New York, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Wellness | New York, USA
Logo Design | Wellness | New York, USA
Logo Design | Wellness | New York, USA

Brand identity assets


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