Brand Identity and Website Design for Alliance New England | Massachusetts, USA


Squarespace Website design

Brand Design

Website Design | Churches  | Massachusetts, USA

Who is alliance new englanD

Alliance New England is the regional office of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, which serves 50 churches located throughout the six New England States. Their churches are located in urban, suburban and rural areas; range in size from 30 to 1,200+, worship in multiple languages; and approach ministry in a myriad of ways. Together, their churches are working to bring the hope of Jesus Christ and the gospel to all parts of the region. Their deep desire is to see healthy, thriving churches that are a source of truth and light in their communities, and instrumental in bringing Jesus to the lost world around them.


brand vibe

Brand Identity | Churches  | Massachusetts, USA

logo designs

Logo Design | Churches  | Massachusetts, USA
Logo Design | Churches  | Massachusetts, USA
Logo Design | Churches  | Massachusetts, USA

Brand identity assets




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