Brand Identity and Website Design for The Velveteen Alchemist | Minnesota, USA


squarespace Website Design

brand Design

mighty networks

business cards

Website Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota

Who is The velveteen alchemy

The velveteen alchemy is an online yoga studio/coaching community that aims to help those who have been on a lifelong journey to overcome experience trauma, taught by a feminist psychologist trained in trauma, body-positive yoga, and meditation coach.

What we did

We built a brand identity for the client to display their essence by using the client's inspired brand design style, color, and font.

We improved their logo designs and created variations and patterns that matched and were perfect to integrate into the 5-page website design.


brand vibe

Brand Identity Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota

logo designs

Brand Identity Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota
Brand Identity Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota
Brand Identity Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota

brand identity assets

Brand Identity Design for Yoga Teacher in Minnesota

Where can we find you online?


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