How to convert fickle website visitors into customers?
How do I get more clients?
It's sell or die because sales are the lifeblood of every company. So "how do I get more sales" is the question that every business owner is looking to find the answer to. The question may vary from business to business; for traditional businesses it might be: “How do I get more clients through the door?” For digital: “How do I drive more traffic to my website?”
The digital brandscape has been growing rapidly in the recent years and every company now has a website. Showcasing products and services online, providing answers to questions that people might have and giving online visitors an easy way to get in touch have provided companies with an excellent way to connect with it's audience.
But how do you turn those fickle website visitors into loyal customers?
Introducing: Visual Persuasion
As you probably already know, your website visitors will not convert themselves into customers with the use of a magic wand - you actually have to work really hard to make it happen.
In this post I will share 6 principals of visual persuasion that you can apply to your website right away to elevate your online ability to persuade. These were developed by Psychology Professor Robert B. Cialdini and outlined in his book: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.
Reciprocity – the ‘tit for tat’ approach.
Always give to your customer as much as they gave to you, if not more. If you are asking for their email – state clearly what will they get in return – this can be a discount, a free resource to download or a monthly newsletter packed with useful advice on topic that interests them. Here is an example from Zofie at Relax Me Happy, one of my website clients who says: "FREE guided relaxation. Feel calm and back in control in just 30 minutes. Want your clarity back? Sign-up below to get your free audio download" in order to capture her visitor's email addresses. She then can stay top of their minds by sending them lovely newsletters packed with valuable information.
Social Proof
People usually look for evidence of other people using your service or product before they hand you their money. Provide case studies or testimonials from your happy clients with their picture next to it – this will build trust with your and help you sell your products and services. Here is how we used images and testimonials on one of my client's websites Tammy from The Business Haven to put the face to the words, whilst boosting conversions!
In the cluttered online world, people will only buy from suppliers they “know, like and trust”. Another easy way of gaining trust is by including personable, smiley and friendly looking images of yourself and your staff on your home page, about page, contact page and any other page you can think of. Sharing short bio’s of who you are will also go a long way! This is an excellent use of liking principle applied to the website of my lovely and always smiley client Sarah Cook of Come Network With Me.
People trust authority figures such as doctors, scientists or police officers as well as people with fancy titles and those who are famous and well respected. Show your potential clients the evidence that you know your trade inside and out. A great value proposition and a passionate and logical argument expressed by an authority within the given area will persuade people to take action. You can easily show passion for your profession within your website copy or write blog posts about your work. If you want to appeal to logical brains – then use stats instead; numbers are very powerful in convincing more logical types of people. Or you can associate yourself with well respected organisations and display their logos on your website. Here is a great example from the website of my client Amanda Kerin who has an impressive collections of famous logos front and centre of her website.
Website Design
Ready to create a website that shows your credibility? Through our signature branding process, one-on-one support, and brilliant design skills we’ll create a truly inspiring online space on the web for your brand that you’ll be proud of.
Try suggesting to your potential buyers that the offer is in limited supply, may end soon or is just for the selected inner circle. This will push the more hesitant potential subscribers/buyers. You could say that you only have the 5 last pieces/places left so they should buy one now before its too late! Or you can say that you only share your best stuff with your inner circle!
Commitment and Consistency
People like to think that they act rationally. If they find themselves acting otherwise, they might stop and question their behaviour. People also like to keep to their promise. If you manage to get a commitment to a purchase of your product, it might make a person feel uncomfortable if they don’t deliver on their promise. If you manage to secure a deal and persuade the person that this was a rational decision, they will be committed to keep to their promise. You can get people to subconsciously commit to buying your product or service by using self commitment words and phrases on your website. See how we've used this principle on one of our client's websites MumsGetFit.
That’s all. 6 simple rules that can instantly elevate your conversion rates. Higher conversion rates mean more costumers, and more costumers will result in more profit for your business.
Final Thoughts
Designing an effective website is an art, and as an artistic process – every element should have a deeper purpose for being there than just the need to fill an empty space. Consider image and buttons size, colours and borders, call-to-actions as well as the length of your copy. Every choice you make in regards to what to put on your website should be strategic in order to convert fickle buyers into loyal customers.
Struggling to get enquiries via your website? Score your website against the industry's 12 key conversion criteria to see how efficient your website is at turning visitors into leads.
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